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      Infrared filter

      • Infrared filter
      • 更新時間:2012-08-22 17:09:05


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      • 產(chǎn)品描述
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      Infrared filter infrared filter refers to infrared photography with deep red filter. If not too deep color filter, there will also be a corresponding effect.

      Infrared filter classification

      From the material division, a coated optical glass, also made of tinted glass, and plastic infrared filter. Here refers to the near infrared filter. If related to the far infrared, materials have Si, ZnSe, Sapphire, CaF2, quartz glass.

      From the optical properties to divide, with a long pass type IR long pass filter and IR bandpass filter band-pass type.

      The application of infrared filter

      Infrared filter is mainly used in the field of security monitoring, infrared gas analyzer, night vision, infrared detector, infrared receiver, infrared sensors, infrared communication products. Specific to the product such as: cameras, remote control, infrared curtain wall products, infrared induction toilet, faucet, wash liquid device, infrared temperature measurement, infrared printer, the interactive electronic whiteboard, the infrared touch screen, fingerprint recognition machine.

      Infrared filter, widely used in large enterprises, financial system, financial companies, credit companies, public security, frontier defense, security, police, customs, ancient calligraphy identification fields.

      ? 2016 深圳市激埃特光電有限公司 版權(quán)所有 粵ICP備 08121252號-5 技術(shù)支持 網(wǎng)站地圖
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