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      Infrared glass HWB-760

      • Infrared glass HWB-760
      • 更新時間:2012-08-23 11:37:43


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      • 產品描述
      • 技術規(guī)格

      Infrared glass, should be through infrared window, is used in the manufacture of machine or device in infrared window and through high performance optical materials.

      Working band division:

      Infrared window according to the operating wavelength can be divided into: long-wavelength infrared temperature measurement, infrared temperature measuring window window.

      Long wave infrared window: the working band ( 0.15 - 14 µ m ), the main testing temperature, room temperature object, in the power industry, basically meet the long existing power equipment fault detection;

      Short wave infrared window: the working band ( 0.15 - 7 µ m ), the main detection of more than 500high temperature object, such as in the steelmaking industry.

      Infrared glass HWB-760, widely used in large enterprises, financial system, financial companies, credit companies, public security, frontier defense, security, police, customs, ancient calligraphy identification fields.

      ? 2016 深圳市激埃特光電有限公司 版權所有 粵ICP備 08121252號-5 技術支持 網站地圖
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